"요즘 호야한테 형이라고 불러요."
인피니트 중 첫 번째로 솔로 앨범을 발표한 김성규를 위해 멤버 엘은 뮤직비디오에 출연했고 다른 멤버들은 촬영 현장을 찾아 응원을 보냈다. 연기가 아닌 가수로서 솔로 스타트를 끊은 김성규는 최근 뉴스엔과 인터뷰 자리에서 그에 대한 부담감을 털어놓기도 했다. 김성규 타이틀곡 '60초' 뮤직비디오에는 같은 팀 멤버 엘이 주인공으로 출연했다. 자신의 솔로곡인데 주인공을 직접 할 생각은 없었냐고 하자 "사실 하고 싶은 마음이 없었는데 막상 나온 걸 보니 하고 싶다는 생각이 들었다"고 말했다. 김성규는 "영상 보면서 내가 많이 안 나오는 걸 보니까 조금 슬프다고 생각했다. 내가 할 걸 그랬다는 생각이 들긴 했지만 하고 싶다고 해도 회사에서 아마 안 된다고 했을 거다. 그래도 어필이라도 해볼 걸 싶더라"고 장난스레 말하고는 "사실 앨범이 나온다고 결정됐을 때부터 엘이 나서서 자기가 뮤직비디오에 출연하겠다고 해서 내가 한다고 할 틈도 없었다. 바쁜데도 본인이 굳이 자기가 하겠다고 하더라"고 비화를 전했다. 이어 "고맙게 생각한다. 잘 하더라"고 특유의 툭 던지는 말투로 덧붙였다. 인피니트는 얼마 전부터 개인 활동이 두드러지고 있다. 호야는 드라마 '응답하라 1997'로 새로운 연기돌 탄생이라는 호평을 얻었고 꾸준히 연기를 하고 있는 엘은 시트콤 '엄마가 뭐길래'에 출연 중이다. " 엘 시트콤을 다는 못 보고 1회는 챙겨봤어요. '응답하라 1997'도 봤고 '천번째 남자'도 봤어요. (제가 출연한 건 못 보겠더라고요.) 멤버들이 하는 거 다는 아니지만 첫회는 꼭 챙겨보려고 해요. 저도 잘 모르니까 연기 조언 같은 건 해준 적 없는데 보기 좋아요. 드라마, 콘서트, 인피니트 스케줄까지 엘이 이걸 다 하면서 잘 버티고 있는 걸 보면 형으로서 고마워요." 호야 , 우현은 올해 SBS '가요대전'에서 인피니트가 아닌 다른 아이돌 그룹 멤버들과 함께 새로운 그룹을 결성해 무대에 오르는 이벤트도 선보인다. 김성규는 "뭔가 씁쓸하기도 하고 서운하기도 하지만 그 팀이 오래 가는 건 아니니까"라고 했다. " 그래도 그 팀 안에서 우리 멤버들이 빛나고 잘 했으면 좋겠어요. 응원도 할 거고.. 익숙하게 우리 팀원이었는데 다른 팀과 한다고 생각하니까 사실 걱정이 돼요. 우현이가 있는 블루 팀은 스윗튠과 하고 안무도 우리 팀에서 맡았어요. 그동안 우리와 작업 안 해봤던 분들이랑 해서 호야가 좀 걱정이에요. 그래도 많은 경험이 될 거라고 생각해요." 호야 이야기가 나오자 올해 들어 두 사람이 보여준 콤비 플레이에 대해 말하지 않을 수 없었다. 김성규는 "내가 호야한테 요즘 형이라고 한다"며 "호야도 당연하게 날 동생처럼 대한다"고 두 사람의 최근 서열을 말했다. " 인기 많으면 형이라고 농담하는데 호야도 실력이 너무 좋잖아요. 랩, 노래, 춤, 연기 모두 만능이에요. 같이 있을 땐 난 너희들보다 위라고 하지만 제가 감히 그 친구들과 대적할 수 없어요. 얼마 전 일본에 있을 때 호야와 한국 식당에 밥을 먹으러 갔는데 주인분이 저는 못 알아보고 호야에게 드라마 잘 봤다고 하는 거예요. 엄청난 효과가 있구나 싶었어요. 그 이후로 함부로 못 대하겠고 달라보이던데요? 그리고 호야가 농담을 잘 해서 저랑 장난을 정말 잘 치는데 자기 호배우라고, 상승세라고 막 그래요. 제가 겉으로는 '웃기지마 넌 아직 아니야'라고 해도 놀랄 때가 많아요. 드라마가 정말 잘 돼서 인기가 많구나 싶어요. 그 드라마 할 당시엔 어딜 가나 호야에게 그런 반응이었어요." 김성규와 호야 사이에 형, 동생이 바뀐 듯한 모습은 인피니트가 '서열왕'이라는 예능 프로그램을 할 즈음부터 인피니트만의 개그 코드로 자리잡으면서 재밌다는 반응을 많이 얻고 있다. " 그 친구(호야)가 자기는 남자답고 칙칙한 녀석이라고 하는데 정말 경상도 남자예요. 무뚝뚝하고 표현도 잘 안 하려 하고 내성적이고 싫은 말도 잘 못하는데 그럼에도 불구하고 어느 순간부터 저를 놀리는 게 재밌었나 봐요. 방송 잘 하고 와서 저한테 '오늘 잘 했어요'라며 동생들이 칭찬해주는데 저도 알게 모르게 뿌듯한 거예요. 제가 당하기도 했지만 그때부터 신이 난 것 같아요. 어딜 가든 더 자신감 있게 하고 그래요." (사진=울림엔터테인먼트) 권수빈 ppbn@ 기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지 |
thisIZvall's Area
welcome to vall's area.. here you may find anything about me, myself and my personality.. and many other things i love and enjoy.. ^^
it will be more of INFINITE here, since i love to listen on KPop these days.
i'd say, INFINITEly INSPIRIT here... ^^
Vall! ^^
it will be more of INFINITE here, since i love to listen on KPop these days.
i'd say, INFINITEly INSPIRIT here... ^^
Vall! ^^
November 23, 2012
인피니트 김성규 “‘응답’ 잘된 호야, 형이라 부른다”(인터뷰)
[INTERVIEW] 121120 - STAR COLUMN: INFINITE 3rd SECTION. Solo singer Kim Sunggyu, ‘Another me’
Going solo! The picture of Kim Sunggyu’s first solo album jacket, another charm
Infinite who caught the attention of the public with a perfectly
synchronized choreography. Leader Sunggyu led the team to be
‘Trend-dols’ and is in harmony with the 6 members. He wrapped up the
preparations to come on stage not as Infinite, but alone, as ‘Solo
singer Kim Sunggyu’. 60 seconds before Sunggyu’s entry, not as an idol
but, challenging as an artist. Look forward to it, coming soon! //Main
◆ ‘To catch your heart’..60 seconds are enough
Truthfully, I still can’t realize it well. The first solo album of my
life, my debut, not as Infinite but as Kim Sunggyu, is approaching.
This album’s preparation period started a while ago.
There weren’t definite schedules nor plans, before promoting ‘The
Chaser’ with Infinite, I met ‘60 Seconds’ which became the present solo
album’s title song. I started recording the guide following what the
producer said, thinking ‘Should we try making a solo song?’.
In the past, CEO told me sometimes ‘Prepare a solo album’. Even if we
didn’t set anything, I think I was always getting ready little by
little in a corner of my heart.
Sunggyu who shines even more handsomely in front of a piano
Even when I sang by myself ‘Only Tears’ at the concert, I was totally
pressured. The members cheered me up saying “I think it fits Sunggyu
hyung well” so thanks to that I was able to end it successfully but, I
was really shaking a lot and the pressure and my nervosity were at their
peaks. I think it was even more like that because I was singing while
playing the piano.
I felt again then that going up on stage by yourself was really
different. I was always with the members, even during ‘Immortal Song’,
singing by myself on stage is always a new challenge to me, even during
our concerts. It must be because I got used to be with the members but I
thought ‘Woohyunnie’s voice should come out right about now though..’.
I spent really busy days while recording my solo album. Not only me,
it must’ve been the same for the other members but, I took time out to
work on it. I made the title song ‘60 Seconds’ with the producer (Han)
Jaeho hyung whom I’ve known for a long time. With the songs the
producing team, Sweetune, made, ‘Be Mine’ and ‘The Chaser’, we got to
work in harmony before so thanks to that I was able to do it
Should we say that it has a totally different feeling from the songs
Jaeho hyung made until now? Hyung said as well ‘This time I made it with
a different mood’, that’s what I thought too. It has a modern rock
style but it’s really original. I thought about Jaeho hyung ‘He’s an
amazing person’ for this new work, and I was thankful to be able to sing
During the music video’s filming! Because of the cold weather, handwarmers are a must!
I worked on ‘60 Seconds’ at the same time as Infinite’s ‘The Chaser’.
Because it could’ve been in Infinite’s CD as well… In the end, it
became my solo album’s title song but there is an ‘Infinite version’ of
it with all the members singing it as well. If we release that version
later on, I think the fans will like it ^^
After that, while promoting with ‘The Chaser’, I recorded ‘60
Seconds’ again, by myself. Even until then, the fact that it would
become my song…
You’re asking when I got to know it?
It was the day were the members and the company’s staff were eating
out all together. There was the CEO of course, the manager hyungs were
here as well, we were spending a nice time while eating tasty food. When
we were about to go home, CEO told me ‘Let’s go together!’.
In the inside, I was thinking ‘We’re going in different directions
though…’ but I got in the car. The words CEO said as he was quietly
turning on the music.
‘Let’s release an album!’
Ah.. So now I’m really releasing a solo album.. I was excited and overwhelmed. It was the start of another Sunggyu.
◆ ‘Another me’..It made me thrilled
Right after that, we arranged ‘60 Seconds’, we recreated it perfectly as ‘my song’.
We got into the album’s real production! We also finished the recording of the two songs ‘I need you’ and ‘41 days’.
I worked once again with (Lee)Junghunnie hyung for ‘41 days’ who is
Nell’s bassist and with whom I already worked with for my first solo
song as an Infinite member ‘Because’. Hyung told me to write 2 verses of
the lyrics and starting from then the storm of worries started.
Hello! I’m solo singer Kim Sunggyu
This was the subject. A man meets some woman, they spend their time
happily and he felt like giving her everything but in the end he tells
that woman. ‘I never loved you’. It’s about the 41-days romance of two
It was a really difficult subject for me. I worried about it for a
while, and ‘41 days”s 2 verses were born after a conversation with
Junghun hyung. Imagining and thinking by myself of something I didn’t
experience before was something new and enjoyable. Even during the
recording, it might be because it was the lyrics I wrote but I sang
these 2 verses even more carefully^^
Sunggyu working on a song with Nell’s Kim Jongwan
I recorded the new album while going back and forth between Japan and
Korea. Because our Arena tour started in Japan, it was unavoidable that
I had to control schedules. The song of (Kim) Jongwannie hyung, who is
Nell’s vocal, was completed during a Japanese concert, so I could only
come back to Korea in the middle of the tour to work on it.
My schedule was ending the concert on Sunday, going to Korea on
Monday and coming back to Japan after recording. That’s when I made the
song ‘Shine’. It was a bit tiring physically but since I thought about
it being the process to complete my album, I was very proud.
As for the hidden track, I absolutely had no time to go back to Korea
so I recorded it in Japan. The hidden track is the result of my
opinion. While I was talking with the CEO, I thought ‘Wouldn’t an
acoustic instrumental be nice?’ if I was going to make a totally
different version, and in the end we decided to do it like this.
That’s how the acoustic version of ‘Only Tears’ is born!
While the album’s recording was slowly coming to completion, I also
had meetings about the hair and outfit concept. Actually, the staff
worried a lot and had a very rough time back then.
Sunggyu during the music video’s filming. ‘Do I come out well?’
No matter what the other members do it’s going to fit them well but..
I kept on going through hardships starting from my hair color^^ Purple,
brown, red, we compared in total three hair colors. We also took the
jacket picture in 3 versions. The final image was decided to be ‘red’
that could be transformed. When I saw the staff discussing without me, I
had an odd feeling^^
For the outfits’ fitting, I was accompanied by the CEO and the head
of the stylists. For the outfits, just like the hair, we wanted to focus
on showing different and various images. Wearing a suit with a leather
jacket is the most various!!
I neatly got ready, and after some time, finally the first teaser video was released!
Truthfully, even before that I was busy but I couldn’t really realize
it. On the day where the music video’s teaser was showed to the public,
I thought ‘So now is the start’. I watched the video with rising
expectations but, eh?
On the music video’s filming site. Absorbed in his conversation with L ‘peaceful’
I wasn’t appearing in the first teaser. I was really looking forward
to it, I even told my family ‘It’s going to be released’. Didn’t we see
only the member L in it! Haha. Of course, after some time, when the
second video teaser was released, I was included in it^^
The preparations of Infinite’s leader Sunggyu who became solo singer Kim Sunggyu all ended. Now it’s tim to jump!
Sunggyu singing passionately as solo singer Sunggyu. So cool!
◆ ‘Infinite’..A story that is enough
2012 is a special year to Infinite. It’s because all of the members
have ‘new challenges’. Just like me who released a solo album, Dongwoo
and Hoya are working as Infinite H. Hoya had his first acting challenge
and Woohyun and L greeted you in dramas, as expected.
As much as we were all busy with our activities, the discussions
between the members in the dorm got deeper. When we would all come home,
we all gathered together, sit down and get busy telling what we did all
Not so long ago, I was scared about doing something by myself, but I
got strength thanks to the members. Even though I’m the hyung, I’m
depending a lot on the dongsaengs. I’m proud and satisfied because
they’re dongsaengs with really a lot of good traits to take on.
Before transforming into red Sunggyu. What do you think about it?
I’m not the type to express myself well but sometimes I have ‘storms
of expressions’^^ When I’m choked up with emotions, I tell my feelings
truthfully and also lean on you. Kids, I’m always thankful and I love
It might be because Dongwoo is the second but I think I depend on him
the most. And more than anything, Dongwoo’s reactions are the best.
Haha. It’s nice to say it!
One of the reasons why I couldn’t realize it totally while preparing
the solo album is that I was always with the members. Even when filming
the music video, all the members came to support me, even if they were
tired because of their individual schedules, they stayed with me until
we wrapped it up.
Sunggyu’s shy heart. ‘Infinite I love you!
As expected I only have Infinite members.
I have responsibilities as a hyung but there are more situations
where I get strength from the members instead. I hope I have this kind
of role to the members too. The dongsaengs aren’t the type to express
themselves well either but one day, out of the blue, Dongwoo thanked me
once, using the most honorific title ‘Hyungnim!’. I was totally
surprised but I was also touched.
Dongwoo-ya, I’m really thankful to you too^^
To me, Infinite are my family, they’re the shiniest moment of my
life. For this Arena tour, we stood on stage a lot and I felt that the
dongsaengs grew.
There were days where I wasn’t in good conditions
during the tour, but the moment I got up saying I had to get strength
back and go on stage, the CEO told me “You have your dongsaengs so don’t
pressure yourself too much’. That’s when I relied on the dongsaengs a
Actually, when we debuted I was a lot more anxious. Rather than
relying on the members, I had this pressure ‘I have to do better’.. It
was because I felt that I had to back up well the dongsaengs. But now,
even if it’s not like that anymore, the members are all treating me well
so I’m much more comfortable. That day I discovered a lot.
People might think ‘It’s arrogant’ but my goal as Infinite is to
become a group that remains as a legend in the future. I felt it even
when watching Hoya appear in ‘Reply 1997’ but there are songs reflecting
that era. So if when people thought about this time, they think back
about Infinite’s music, I think I’d be really happy if we became this
kind of group.
Sunggyu in harmony with the band team
On the outside, I heard that I got manlier a lot but on the inside,
I’m no different than the 19-year-old Sunggyu. I wanted to become a
singer at that time too, I wanted to sing until the end and even now
this feeling didn’t change.
My goal is to sing until I die. I’m very nervous because I have to
promote officially as a solo and I’m also really pressured since I’m the
first one among the members. But since the members are supporting me, I
think I can start with a reassured heart.
Like the name of ‘Infinite’ who conveys the meaning of infinity, I
will really show infinite charms. I will show you musically as well
something different from Infinite and show you a new image so treat me
nicely please^^
I’m going to be lacking a lot but I want to hear comments saying ‘So
Sunggyu does this kind of music.. He’s handling this pretty well’. Most
importantly, I won’t embarrass the members and I will do my best for my
goal to ‘sing until I die’.
Infinite’s Sunggyu is coming with ‘Another me”s image!
Love Sunggyu and Star Column a lot please!
Solo album Another me!! 60 seconds!!!
trans. cr; emilie @ infinite updates | source cr; naver ; take out with full credits
[INTERVIEW] 121115 - STAR COLUMN: INFINITE 2nd SECTION. Hoya, L changed (Part 2)
Hoya is filming ‘Reply 1997’ right now. The alumni reunion scene that made us wonder who Sung Siwon’s husband is!
◆1991 born Lee Howon experiences ‘1997’
Returning to 1997 was more interesting than I had thought.
Although it is a totally different generation, because I was interested
in it from before I looked it up on the internet and studied it. It is
also true that I worried a lot because I had to act with hyungs like Eun
Jiwon senior who have a large age gap with me. But actually starting
filming and talking with them, there were absolutely no uncomfortable
things. I actually treated them so comfortably that it was to the point
where people around me would worry and ask “Can you really do that?”
At the filming site, I was so into the site that I didn’t
even think that it was Sechs Kies’s Eun Jiwon. Althought where times
when suddenly a thought like ‘Ah, Sechs Kies’s Eun Jiwon!’ would bubble
Because ‘Junhee’ was a role that didn’t talk much, I
usually did expression or emotion acting. There were a lot of scenes of
when he would listen to someone’s story from next to then. Because of
that careful expressions were important and with only that I had to
express Junhee’s emotions to the viewers. It wasn’t an easy task to the
me that it was the first time acting. That part was also the hardest
Another thing was saturi. Me that is originally from
Busan, fixed my saturi while preparing to debut as a singer. Like that
at the end of complications, I started using the standard language, but
in this drama I had to use Busan saturi to my heart’s content. Because I
had to do the opposite of when I was fixing saturi it wasn’t hard. For
example, when I was fixing it, because if I talked to my family and
friends over the phone my saturi would come out, I didn’t contact them
often, but while doing this drama I contacted my family a lot. Because I
can use saturi to my heart’s content^^
I actually started practicing saturi again. But what is
this situation, the Junhee that became an adult fixed his saturi
completely! There were a lot of scenes facing (Jung) Eunji but because
Eunji kept using saturi and I used the standard language….it was hard..
I don’t know if everyone caught on but, in the scene where
I sit on the couch drinking milk while talking to (Seo) Inguk hyung,
slight saturi came out! We filmed it three times but watching the
episode, that scene was out. Did you catch on? Haha.
To be honest I don’t think I can say that I perfectly fixed my saturi yet. Because still now words that have the symbol ‘ㅇ’ my pronunciation becomes stronger without me knowing^^
Hoya who returned to Junhee that has a calm and delicate personality. Infinite Hoya where~?
Although it was hard I never thought ‘I did this in vain.’
I actually felt the fun of acting someone else. I showed a lot of manly
sides through Infinite but I put in a lot of effort because I had to
draw out a person with a delicate personality in ‘Reply 1997.’
I steadily exercised up to now but because I didn’t think
muscles match with Junhee, while filming the drama I didn’t even do push
ups. Because I constantly thought about the character, during filming
my way of speech would be very friendly and kind. ‘Dark Hoya’ that the
fans like, for a little while goodbye~
The members encouraged me with texts like “Hoya who became
soft” “Friendly Hoya-sshi,” and because as expected my manager hyung
told me I changed. This should be evidence that I was immersed?
Gradually understanding the person Junhee, I was able to
immerse more. L’s, who challenged acting before, advice was also a big
strength. Because of his recommendation of “Read the script with your
heart” I put in effort to feel ‘Kang Junhee.’ As strange as it is,
because I spent a lot of time at the filming set, I gradually accepted
Junhee I was able to feel the ‘me’ that was living as him.
◇Kim Myungsoo, another me
L who is resting a bit in the midst of filming ‘What is Mom.’ “It’s an encouragement text from Woohyun hyung” Ah, and the script that you can slightly see! Traces from practice just as is~
Sitcom filmings are usually filmed five episodes’ worth of
amount at one time. Like that waiting time is long as well. Isn’t it
boring you ask? Not at all! There are a lot of delicious things in the
filming set neighborhood and while going around and taking a walk there
is no time to be bored! Although it could be because only one month and I
can’t feel it yet^^ As of now it is only really fun.
After filming and I go home it is dawn when everyone is
already asleep. Because I am living a repeated life of where I have to
get up early the next morning for schedules, there is no time to see the
members besides during concert practiceㅠㅠ. Occasionally, a text from Woohyun hyung comes. Then strength naturally comes. Thanks hyung ^^
When we escape downtown and do outdoor filming, I drink
the clear air and spend a good time while going around looking at places
that I wasn’t able to go before.
Ah! And my hobby is ‘picture taking.’ I normally always
have my camera in my bag and take it around and take photos of the
scenery and people. If there is even one day when we rest, I always go
out somewhere. Last time I went to Han river and it was interesting
because there were a lot of things to look at and I was happy because
there were a lot of things to take pictures of.
L who is holding a camera and showing the altitude of concentration. ‘Taking pictures is my strength!’
Taking pictures became a hobby after I bought my camera
three years ago. I started with the heart of wanting to leave the
beautiful scenery with pictures and I usually always carry around my
camera because I thought it would be good to leave every day things too.
The heart of wanting to leave even the little everyday
things as memories too!! When I take a picture, should I say it’s the
feeling of that moment becoming a special memory. Taking pictures, I
like the aspect of being able to remember that moment.
After I take a picture I always leave a memo like ‘Today’s
day~.’ Uhm.. like when we were in elementary school we wrote drawing
diaries, I write a photo diary.
The pictures that L filled with his camera ‘How are they?’
Because I want to study photography a bit more
systematically, I am in the midst of buying professional books and
reading them. I fell in~~deep^^ And because of that if there is a new
camera mode I want to buy it and I am very interested.
When I get stressed, I like going around by myself, but at
those times my camera is always protecting my side. When I go out and
take photos, I think my stress is going away and if I shoot a good scene
then I feel good.
Different from seeing it originally, I feel like I’m
looking at something else when looking through the lens.
A day is going to come where the thoughts that are only in my head are going to spread and be seen^^
These days we are spending busy days going to and from
Korea and Japan because of Arena Tour and ‘What is Mom.’ I feel really
good because in Japan, through Infinite we are gaining a good outcome
and I want to work harder so that I can grow into a singer that can
shine Korea! And I want to show the side where I develop in acting too.
I wish you can watch over me because I will work to the
best I can while going to and from L and Kim Myungsoo. ‘What is Mom,’
and Infinite hwaiting!!
◆Now returning to ‘Hoya’
Sweet rest during performance rehearsals! Properly showing ‘Dark Hoya’s’ side~
There are friends that I practiced dancing with and grew a
dream to be a singer with since we were young. And looking at that, I
debuted first and then around ten of my friends around me that practiced
have now debuted. Big Star’s Gwangsul (Feel Dog) and Youngjun (Baram)
hyung were members of the dance team that I was in. After debuting, we
meet occasionally but when we talk about our similar worries and goals,
we don’t even know that time is passing by.
My heart that says ‘let’s be the best’ that I had when I
was practicing in order to become a singer and now as a Infinite member
is the same. If there is something that is different, before I was
tightly blocked. The heart ‘only dance and singing!’? It’s not like that
anymore. I changed my thought to acting and also showing variety of
charms through variety programs. Before debut I was also very shy but
now there is a little bit of composure when it comes to people.
It’s also the same when I am performing. I always had
something that was making me nervous in my heart but I now think ‘If I
enjoy it that’s it.’ I don’t feel it as a big issue if I go up on stage
and there is less of the audience’s cheers, it’s fun. It has become
where I go up on stage and do my best and joyfully do the performance
while smiling amongst the members. It’s not only me, I’m sure the
members are the same. It is the now where the past’s nervousness has
And the assurance of ‘If I work hard it’s okay’ has formed. Thanks to the positive members, I changed too.
Hoya that is monitoring during ‘Reply 1997’ filming. Precise monitoring is mandatory!
To be honest I worried because while acting I couldn’t
practice singing a lot but because of concert practices in between
during lessons, the vocal teacher told me ‘Your skills have improved.’
Because of the effort that I put in for emotional acting, maybe it came
out in my singing. I underwent the stubbornness that I felt before while
thinking I will show something on stage. I think the emotions that I
gained while acting permeated untouched into my singing and demonstrated
a synergy effect.
I think my head rotation got faster too. After listening
to the director’s directing, because I repeated the process of fixing my
mistakes right away, I became to understand if told one thing and able
to fix it right away. This is also one of the things I gained after
Another thing is the fact that I became ‘mature.’ Although
it was acting, the conversations that I had during that process while
fixing conflicts has helped me. I indirectly looked at my situation and
also looked back upon my life and thought about ‘If it were me how would
I do it’ and I also was able to rethink about ‘me.’
I also thought if there were good friends around me like
‘Reply 1997’s’ Junhee. And I also started to pay attention to the
valuable people. To be honest, I wasn’t the type to contact my family
and friends a lot but while doing this drama I started to care for the
people around me. I really learned a lot.
Because I developed one step through acting, it is now the
order to show through the stage. Infinite of course, and with unit
group INFINITE H that I’m doing with Dongwoo hyung!! We thought a lot
about what side we should show. In the beginning, because hyung and my
forte is dancing, we vaguely thought that it would be good to show that
side emphasized but because we can show that enough as Infinite, we
decided to do something that brings into relief a more artistic side.
INFINITE H started full-fledged productions starting from
last year and even while doing the drama, we continued to record. At the
thought of showing the public a different side, personally my
anticipation grew big. Although we haven’t set an exact date for our
promotions, you will be ale to see another charm of Hoya’s soon!!
And ‘Arena Tour’ that happened last month. As much as it
is a hard stage for even artists promoting in Japan to stand on, as
predicted my heart was filled with emotion. I also studied Japanese
really hard with the heart of wanting to communicate with the Japanese
fans a little more. Even during schedules, I would squeeze in time and
have lessons. I added a little bit more meat to the current concert’s
repertoire and did a lot of preparations. I hope that as much effort as
we put in, that we can finish it well.
Looking back at it, I did a lot of promotions this year.
Because I received a generous amount of love, I was able to get a good
result and I only have a thankful heart. In the future, with Infinite,
and Infinite H, I will show you a variety of sides so I request even
more anticipation!!
I will show you more than you anticipate, I love you!
to Star Column
I will show you a good side of me in the future
Thank you ^_^
to. Star Column..
In the future too please love Star Column. What is Mom a lot~
trans. cr; nahbit @ infinite updates | source cr; naver ; take out with full credits
[INTERVIEW] 121115 - STAR COLUMN: INFINITE 2nd SECTION. Hoya, L changed (Part 1)
Idol’s acting challenge. It is no longer strange. Many
idol stars have transformed into ‘acting-dols’ through the braun tube,
screen and have tasted both success and failure. Infinite as expected is
no different. Hoya was active in finished drama ‘Reply 1997’ and L is
currently enthusiastically performing in sitcom ‘What is Mom.’ Both
people have been marked by the viewers and have received favorable
comments. Hoya and L, who have attempted a new area and have released a
different charm. Let’s listen to the vivid back story of each ‘Kang
Junhee’ and ‘Kim Myungsoo’s’ transformation.
◆Hoya meets Junhee
Hoya who is doing a cute pose at the set of Reply 1997. Junhee who grew to be a doctor.
Past summer, I did a drama called tvN ‘Reply 1997.’ Amongst
the characters, I tried acting for the first time with the character
Kang Junhee and I received a lot of love I did not predict. The person
Kang Junhee has a complete different personality than mine. Because
(He’s) delicate and detailed, and on top of that he likes a friend that
is a boy Yoonjae (Seo Inguk) without anyone knowing. 2012 Summer, I
lived not as Hoya but as ‘Junhee.’
Even before debut I had vaguely thought ‘I want to try
acting.’ But I started preparing to be a singer and after debut I was
too busy even trying to show my best side on stage that I forgot about
it for a while. Coincidently I did the drama audition and the heart of
wanting to do it previously came back and I started getting greedy.
My company representative seemed to put in a lot of
thought. It’s because I’m not alone but in a group and if I had my own
individual activities there is no way but a encumbrance to happen in our
team. But still I really really wanted to do ‘Reply 1997.’ That time we
were at the peak of our promotions and because I was physically tired I
had worried a lot of people around me but I decided to put all of that
behind me and to become ‘Junhee.’
I had never learned acting and meeting with the director
separately about two times before filming started was all. All the
actors got together and did script reading and we went straight into
filming right after. After determining I’d be in the drama, I was going
to start acting lessons but there was no time I could spare. I only
studied the character by myself and practiced my lines.
The joy of acting came first, I really didn’t have any
greed about the product’s success. I couldn’t even think this drama
would be good. The company didn’t have any anticipation either^^ Because
I started because I was curious about acting I was joyful with just
being a different person in front of the camera.
After finishing and looking back, I think I really
received a generous amount of love. I was just thankful that they looked
at it nicely even though I didn’t even anticipate. And! I thought a
drama was just a drama but, I think there are still people who confuse
my real self and the character. Sunggyu hyung told me this but he said
one of his relatives thinks that ‘Reply 1997’s’ Junhee and Hoya are the
same person! Although I was a little embarrassed, because it was such a
well made product I didn’t take offense to it.
But, our fans will really know. (They will know) that
Junhee from the drama is absolutely not me. Because I am really manly.
◇L becomes Kim Myungsoo
L transformed to ‘Kim Myungsoo’ right now! Snapshot from ‘What is Mom’ press conference setting and filming scene
I became to work on a daily sitcom. MBC ‘What is Mom’ that
started airing it’s first episode on October 9th. I stood in front of
the Braun tube with my real name and I had to match breathes with big
seniors. Amongst the characters, Kim Myungsoo is (Kim) Byungman hyung’s
younger nephew and although he’s good at studying and has good
concentration, he is a character that is a little clumsy in the living
I chose a sitcom as my first product after ‘Shut up Flower
Boy Band.’ Because there is a lot of filming at the set this time, I
experienced a different camera method from outdoor shooting for the
first time. In the beginning it was a little hard to adjust but because
the seniors gave me a lot of help I am learning.
L who is warmly posing with actress, Kim Seohyung, who he is matching breathes with in ‘What is Mom’
Although there are hard aspects, I’m in the process of
learning and I am happy because I think the hardness is becoming
experience. In ‘What is Mom’ a lot of big seniors come out. Starting
from Na Munhee teacher to Park Misun, Park Seohyung, Ryu Seungsoo, Park
Junghak, Kim Byungman senior. When we do script reading, even now I
tremble a lot. When we did our first reading, I was so nervous that the
hand that was holding onto the script was shaking a lot.
I think I was out of my mind because the big seniors were
all gathered together at one spot. Like doing a presentation during
class time, when it was about to be my turn, my heart would start
beating really fast starting from then. The seniors that saw me pointed
each and everything out and taught me.
When there is time, L that goes outside. This time at the beach click!
In this product, I was preparing to show the twenty one
years old me, Kim Myungsoo. I looked for my everyday habits and would
also write down on a memo my manners. If there was time I would also
practice my lines with the members.
There wasn’t much difficulty trying to be immersed because
he was a character that is bright and optimistic and positive like the
everyday me. I think it is just fun. Because if there is a hard aspect I
can ask the seniors whenever.
Although I have to pay a lot of attention
to the gestures and directions aspects, but I consult those with the
director and I’m also the type that talks it over with the seniors that
are filming that scene with me often. Then it becomes much more quicker
to solve rather than me wondering by myself.
trans. cr; nahbit @ infinite updates | source cr; naver ; take out with full credits
[스타칼럼-인피니트] 2부. 호야, 엘이 달라졌어요- 1
◆ 호야, 준희를 만나다
지난여름, 나는 tvN '응답하라 1997'이라는 드라마를 했다. 극중 강준희라는 역할로 처음 연기에 도전했고, 예상하지 못한 큰 사랑을 받았다. 강준희라는 인물은 실제 나와는 전혀 다른 성격을 가졌다. 섬세하고 꼼꼼하고, 게다가 남자친구인 윤제(서인국)를 남몰래 좋아하고 있었으니까. 2012년 여름, 호야가 아닌 '준희'로 살아갔다.
데뷔 전부터 막연하게 '연기를 해보고 싶다'는 생각은 했다. 하지만 가수 준비를 시작하고, 데뷔 후엔 무대 위에서 최고의 모습을 보여드리기만도 바빠 한동안 잊고 지냈다. 우연히 드라마 오디션을 봤고, 예전에 하고 싶었던 마음이 다시 생기면서 욕심이 나기 시작했다.
소속사 대표님께서는 고민을 많이 하시는 것 같았다. 아무래도 혼자가 아닌 그룹인데다 개인 활동을 하게 되면 팀에 지장이 생길 수밖에 없을테니 말이다. 그래도 난 '응답하라 1997'이 정말 정말 하고 싶었다. 그 때는 한창 앨범 활동을 하고 있을 시기로, 체력적으로도 힘들 것이라는 주위 분들의 걱정도 있었지만, 모든 것을 뒤로하고 나는 '준희'가 되기로 마음먹었다.
연기를 배운 적도 없었고, 촬영 전 감독님과 두 번 정도 따로 만나서 대본 연습을 한 게 전부다. 그리고 배우들이 다 같이 모여서 대본 리딩을 하고, 바로 본격적인 촬영에 돌입했다. 드라마 출연 결정을 짓고 나서, 연기 레슨을 시작하려 했지만 시간을 낼 틈이 없었다. 그저 홀로 캐릭터를 연구하고, 대사 연습을 했다.
연기를 한다는 기쁨이 우선이었지, 작품의 성공에 대한 욕심은 정말 하나도 없었다. 이 드라마가 잘 될 거라는 생각도 못했다. 회사에서도 전혀 기대를 안했고^^ 그저 연기가 궁금해서 시작했기 때문에 카메라 앞에서 다른 인물이 된다는 것 자체만으로도 즐거웠다.
끝나고 되돌아보니, 정말 과분한 사랑을 받은 것 같다. 기대하지 않았는데 좋게 봐주셔서 감사할 따름이다. 그리고! 드라마는 드라마라고 생각했는데, 지금까지도 캐릭터와 실제 나를 혼란스러워하시는 분들이 있는 것 같다. 성규형이 말해 준 건데, 형의 친척들이 진짜 '응답하라 1997'의 준희와 호야를 같다고 생각하고 있다는 것! 조금 당황스럽기도 했지만, 워낙 잘 만들어진 작품이라 그런 거라고 대수롭지 않게 여겼다.
근데, 우리 팬들은 확실히 알거다. 드라마 속 준희는 절대 내 모습이 아니란 걸. 난 정말 남자다우니까. 하하하.
◇ 엘, 김명수가 되다
일일시트콤을 하게 됐다. 지난 10월 9일 첫 방송을 시작한 MBC '엄마가 뭐길래'. 나는 본명으로 브라운관 앞에 섰고, 대선배님들과 호흡을 맞추고 있다. 극중 김명수는 (김)병만 형의 작은 조카로, 집중력이 좋고 공부를 잘하는 편이지만, 생활적인 부분에서는 어리바리한 구석이 있는 캐릭터다.
'닥치고 꽃미남 밴드' 이후 첫 작품으로 시트콤을 선택했다. 아무래도 이번에는 세트 촬영이 많다 보니, 야외 촬영과는 다른 카메라 방식을 처음 경험해봤다. 초반엔 조금 적응하기 힘들었는데, 선배님들이 도움을 많이 주셔서 배우고 있다.
어려운 점도 있지만 배워가는 과정이고, 이 어려움도 경험이 되는 것 같아서 기분 좋다. '엄마가 뭐길래'에는 대선배님들이 참 많이 나오신다. 나문희 선생님부터 박미선, 박서형, 류승수, 박정학, 김병만 선배님까지. 대본 리딩을 할 땐 지금도 많이 떨린다. 첫 리딩 때는 정말 대본을 잡은 손이 덜덜 떨릴 정도로 긴장을 많이 했다.
대선배님들이 한자리에 모여 있어서 정신이 없었던 것 같다. 수업시간에 발표하는 것처럼 내 차례가 오려고 하면, 그 때부터 가슴이 쿵쾅쿵쾅 뛰었다. 그런 나를 선배님들이 하나하나 집어가며 가르쳐주셨다.
이번 작품에선 스물한 살의 나, 김명수를 보여주기 위한 준비를 했다. 평소 나의 습관들을 찾아보고, 버릇 같은 것을 메모장에 적기도 했다. 대사 연습을 하면서 시간될 때 멤버들과 맞춰보기도 하고.
평소 나와 비슷한 밝고 낙천적이며, 긍정적인 캐릭터라 평소 몰입하는데 있어서 큰 어려움은 없었다. 마냥 재미있기만 하다. 어려운 부분이 있으면 언제든지 선배님들께 물어보면 되니까. 동작이나, 동선부분에서 신경이 많이 쓰이기도 하는데 그런 것들은 감독님과 상의하고, 같은 신을 찍는 선배님들과도 자주 이야기를 나누는 편이다. 그러면 혼자 고민하는 것보다 훨씬 금방 해결된다.
>2편에 이어집니다.
글: 인피니트 호야/엘
편집: 황용희 (이슈데일리 국장)
[스타칼럼-인피니트] 4부. 동우-성열-성종 '전격해부'
◆ 장동우, 넌 할 수 있다
인피니트의 동우로, 멤버들을 만나 더 대담해지고 남자다워졌다. 마치 남자형제가 생긴 것처럼. 누나만 2명이 있는 나에게 멤버들은 남자 형제만의 우애를 느끼게 해줬다고나 할까?
멤버들을 처음 만났을 때...다들 자신만의 개성을 갖고 있었다. 성규형은 마초 느낌이 났지만, 옷이나 스타일엔 관심이 없고 최대 관심사는 오로지 먹을 것 뿐 ^^
우현이는 열정으로 가득 찬 눈빛만 기억이 난다. 약간은 독특한 방향으로 확고한 것 같은? 그때보다 지금이 정말 보기 좋다. 변함 없는건 멤버들을 사랑한 마음..
호야는 '춤바보'였다. 춤으로 다 해결하는. 생활이나 스타일이 첫 만남부터 강렬했다! 성열이는 정말 공부만 할 것 같은 아이로 보였다. 안경 쓰고 단정한. 근데 세 번 만나면 그의 모든 걸 파악할 수 있을 정도로 정말 단순하고 순수하다.
엘? 사실 그땐 정말 조용해서 인상을 남기지 못했다. 한국말을 못한다고 생각했었다니깐 ^^성종이는 지금보다 몇 배는 더 활발하고 활력이 넘쳤다. 첫인상도 여린 느낌이라, 보호본능을 일으켰음^^
데뷔 초에 멤버들과 회사식구들끼리 봉사활동을 간 적이 있었는데 그 때를 생각하면 지금도 정말 기분이 좋다. 아직도 큰 추억으로 남아있어서 기회가 된다면 빨리 봉사활동을 가고 싶다.
지금 내게 가장 중요한 것은 '시간'이다. 하고 싶은 일은 많은데 시간이 기다려주질 않는다. 조급한 마음이 들 때면, 거울을 보면서 넌 할 수 있다!'고 마음을 다잡는다.
2012년, 인피니트 멤버들이나 개인적으로 한층 성숙해진 해이다. 정신적으로도 강해졌고, 멤버들끼리 더 뭉칠 수 있었던 한해. 앞으로 더 열심히, 최선을 다하자!
★ 깜짝 가방검사!
우선 필통이 있고, 베이스 교본DVD! 선글라스, 그리고 지갑! 수첩도 있고, 껌도! 좀 이상해보일 수 있겠지만 통장도 들고 다니고요 ㅎㅎ 빗과 향수! 귀걸이 통, 그리고 가장 중요한 콘서트 대본! 충전기도 있고, 음..정체불명의 미키마우스? 까지! 하하하.
◇ 이성열, 이룬 것이 많은 한 해
요즘 나는 원숭이 사진을 보면서 지낸다. 예전부터 원숭이에 관심이 많았는데, 다시 피어오르기 시작했다. 왠지 친구가 될 수 있을 것만 같다...
'남들이 보는 나'와 '내가 보는 나'는 크게 다르지 않다. 항상 해맑고 천진난만한 사람이라는 말을 듣는 편인데 나 역시도 그렇게 생각한다. 그리고 솔직한 성격이! 그게 내 가장 큰 '무기'라고 할 수 있다.
인피니트가 되기 전엔 혼자서 미래를 안고 간다는 생각에 부담이 컸다. 지금은 아니다! 든든한 형과 동생들이 있어서 자신감이 생겼다. 우선 엘은 정말 말이 없어서 존재감이 없었다. 성규형은 말 걸기 힘든 형? 이라고 생각했고, 우현이형은 자상한 형이라고 생각했다. 동우형은 엄청 무서운형! 그리고 호야는 무뚝뚝한 사람. 성종이는 워낙 예쁘게 생겨서 여자연습생인줄 알았다^^ 돌이켜 생각해보면 모두 반대! 난 사람을 잘 보는 편이 아닌가 보다...
지금은 모두 내게 소중한 사람들!
만약 인피니트의 멤버가 되지 않았더라면 지금쯤 난 평범하지 않은, 특이한 뭔가를 하고 있을 것 같다. 아마도..동물을 교육시키는 직업?
동물을 좋아한다. 그래서 가장 기억에 남는 선물은 '강아지 옷'이었다. 강아지를 키운다는 걸 아무에게도 이야기하지 않았는데, 챙겨주셔서 기억에 남는다.
2012년은 이룬 것도 많고 나뿐만 아니라 멤버들도 차근차근 잘 해온 것 같다. 앞으로도 더 발전하는 성열이가 될 수 있도록 파이팅!!
★ 가방을 열어라!
사실 가방에 무거운 것을 들고 다니지는 않는다. 근데 가방 자체가 뭔가 무거워 보이는 느낌? ^^
우선 지갑! 지갑 안을 공개하자면, 돈은 없다..전재산 300원! ㅎㅎㅎ 영양제도 있고, 연습하려고 들고 다니는 카드도 있다. 데오드란트, 향수도 들고 다닌다.
선글라스도! 어랏? 근데 통 안에 아무것도 없네..빈통을 가져왔구나..ㅎㅎㅎ
◆ 이성종, 색다른 모습 보여줄 것
예전에도 지금도, 나의 최대 관심사는 노래다. 어릴 때부터 꿈이 가수였기에 게을리 하지 않는다. 또 연습을 하면서 여러 가지를 느끼고 경험할 수 있어서 지금도 열심히!
인피니트를 만나고 나의 모든 것이 변했다. 갑자기 형들이 6명이나 생기니까 뭔가 사람이 된 느낌? ^^ 이젠 모두 없어서는 안 될 소중한 존재다.
사람들을 나를 마냥 막내라고만 생각하는데 사실 은근히 듬직하고 강한 내면을 갖고 있다! ^^
이제 2012년이 저물어 간다. 곧 크리스마스다! 계획은...멤버들과 스케줄 마치고, 서로 고생했다고 소고기 사묵겠지 ㅎㅎ ^^
'추격자'로 큰 사랑을 받아 부담이 컸지만, 올 한해도 언제나처럼 한 계단 한 계단 통과하면
잘 올라온 것 같아 뿌듯하다.
2013년엔 나의 다른 모습, 그동안 보지 못했던 모습을 보여드릴게요!!
★ 기습, 가방습격!
두둥! 가방검사! 엄청 커 보이지만, 들어있는게 별로 없다^^ 자..뭐가 있나.
겨울이라 핸드크림은 필수다. 시계도 있고. 콘서트 대본이랑 헤드폰, 와이파이..필통까지!
정말 필요한 것만 들고 다닌답니다!
어땠어요? 재미있었나요? 다음엔 또 다른 이야기로 찾아올게요. 그때까지 안녕^^
글: 인피니트 동우,성열, 성종
편집: 황용희 (이슈데일리)
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