thisIZvall's Area

welcome to vall's area.. here you may find anything about me, myself and my personality.. and many other things i love and enjoy.. ^^
it will be more of INFINITE here, since i love to listen on KPop these days.
i'd say, INFINITEly INSPIRIT here... ^^

Vall! ^^
Showing posts with label Shin Won Ho. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shin Won Ho. Show all posts

February 27, 2013

Short PV released for Cross Gene’s Japanese debut with “Shooting Star”

Cross Gene is making their Japanese debut with “Shooting Star“, and after the two teasers showcasing the reformed group and some intriguing light saber action, the short PV has been released!

The group performed the single for the first time during a promotional event in Japan for the drama ‘Big‘, but their release isn’t until March, and their debut single album will also include the track “Solar“.

Although we have some time left until the March 13th release, the short PV should hold you over until then.

Credits: allkpop

February 25, 2013

More light saber action in Cross Gene’s 2nd PV teaser for Japanese debut single “Shooting Star”

It was just two days ago that Cross Gene released the first teaser for their Japanese debut “Shooting Star“!

The group, is back with more glowing swords, pink color-blocked unitards and even some bits of the choreography. Though the group recently went through a member change, they are ready to debut with their new line-up. Cross Gene’s debut single album will also include the track “Solar“.

Credits: allkpop

January 17, 2013

Cross Gene’s J.G leaves group, introduce new member Seyoung

Cross Gene introduced their new Korean member Seyoung on January 16.

Seyoung participated in his first photoshoot with the group for their Japanese debut. He introduced himself as the 22-year-old Seyoung, and then joked, “I’m trying to work as hard as the other members, but my confidence is dropping“.

The interview also showed him practicing Japanese, with the other members helping him out. Seyoung will be replacing Chinese member J.G., who has decided to leave the group to pursue solo activities.

Cross Gene’s official fancafe said, “Starting with this album, J.G will not be participating in any activities. We want to thank all of you fans who have loved J.G of Cross Gene. he will start walking towards a new path as a singer. Please continue giving J.G your interest and love.

The group received some attention in 2012 as they’re a multi-national group consisting of Korean, Japanese, and Chinese members. 

Credits: allkpop

October 30, 2012

Shin Won Ho of Cross Gene for 10Asia.




신원호│바로, 광고 속 그 미남입니다

청바지에 흰 티셔츠 하나만 입어도 예쁜 나이가 있다고들 한다. 무엇을 더하거나 꾸미지 않아도 그 모습 그대로 좋은 시절. 차가운 물에 갓 세수를 마친 싱그러운 민낯의 소년을 보았을 때, 어른들의 이 말씀을 이해할 수 있었다. 화장품 브랜드의 광고에서 청안(靑安)한 얼굴로 웃던 ‘미남’의 이름은 신원호. 올해 초 지드래곤과 함께 출연한 의류 브랜드 광고로 브라운관에 첫 등장했다. 4편의 광고와 1편의 뮤지컬에 출연한 것이 경력의 전부인, 이 세계로의 본격 외출을 앞두고 이제 막 세안을 끝낸 신원호의 원래 꿈은 음악이었다. 어릴 때부터 뭘 하나 배우면 끝을 보는 성격이라 클라리넷을 배울 땐 연주자가 되려 했고, 바둑을 배울 땐 기사가 되고 싶었다. 하지만 마음 편하게 살길 바라는 부모님의 뜻에 따라 있는 듯 없는 듯 평범한 학생으로 살던 고 3의 어느 날, 특별히 잘 하지도 좋아하지도 않는 공부가 내 길이 아니라는 생각이 문득 들었던 그는 처음으로 고집이란 걸 부렸다.

“저를 보고 즐거워하면 좋겠어요”

지드래곤과 함께 출연한 광고로 등장한 신원호는 최근 화장품 광고에서 청안한 얼굴로 시선을 모은다.

소년일 것이라 지레짐작했지만 나이보다 한결 어려보이는 신원호는 스물한 살이다. 이 청년과의 대화는 종종 낯설었는데, 헤어지고 나서 그의 문장을 곱씹어 보니 과정을 과시하고 않고 결과만 담백하게 말하는 말버릇 때문이었다. 지금은 60kg 초반의 슬림 한 몸매지만 학창시절 80kg이 넘었다는 그에게 비법을 물어도 “독하게 뺐죠”라는 짧은 답이 돌아왔다. 어떤 사람이 되고 싶으냐는 물음에는 “저를 보고 즐거워하면 좋겠어요”라고 말한다. 누가 나를 동경했으면 좋겠다, 이 분야에서 최고가 되고 싶다는 치기어린 야심을 품어도 좋을 나이에 신원호는 나를 보고 행복해하고 웃는 사람이 있다면 그게 자신의 행복이라고 말한다. 누군가와의 경쟁에서 승부욕을 발휘하기보다 본인에게 만족하지 못했을 때 분하고 실망하는, 결국 돌이켜 보면 모든 문제는 자신에게 있었던 것 같다고 담담하게 말하는 이십대 초반이라니. 흔해 빠진 젊음과 가능성에 쉽사리 기대지 않고 유순한 얼굴 뒤에서 스스로를 다듬고 깎아 잘 여물기를 바라는 이 청년, 참 단단하다.

My name is 신원호. 동산 원, 하늘 호. 넓은 사람, 큰 사람이 되라는 의미다.
이다. 부모님과 외할머니와 함께 산다.

태어난 날은
1991년 10월 23일.

화장품 광고는
사무실을 통해 오디션을 봤다. 콘티를 보고 오디션에 들어가기 30초 전, ‘아, 이건 무조건 내 꺼구나’라는 생각이 들었다. 흐흐흐. 왠지 느낌이 좋아서 즐기면서 임했더니 결과가 좋았다.

완전 맨 얼굴은
아니었다. (웃음) 그래도 내가 어떻게 생겼나 보다 나를 믿고 뽑아준 거니까 거기에 보답하기 위해 촬영에 집중했다. 물론 전날 팩은 하고 잤다. (웃음)

원래는 가수가
되고 싶었다. 마룬5를 굉장히 좋아한다. 앨범도 거의 다 갖고 있고. 보컬의 음색이 정말 좋다.

뮤지컬 <카르페 디엠>에서는
실제와 다르게 모범생 역을 맡았다. (웃음) 처음 도전하는 것에 대한 두려움이 컸다. 너무 긴장해서 대사도 잊어버려서 상대 배우를 멀뚱멀뚱 쳐다보고 있었다. 

실제로 난 모범생은 아니었지만
개근상은 받았다. 역사 과목을 좋아했다. 부모님이 문화재 쪽에서 일하셔서 어렸을 때부터 관심이 많았다. 국내 역사는 물론 중국, 일본 역사까지 책도 많이 읽었다.

프로젝트 [A]라고
같은 사무실에서 연습하는 친구들의 모임 같은 것이 있다. 노래, 춤, 연기 등을 배우고 있다. 일본인, 중국인 멤버도 있는데 논현동 숙소에서 6개월째 합숙하고 있다.

남자 여럿이서 살지만
이상하게 편하다. 항상 혼자 있어서 그런지 함께 하는 건 뭐든지 즐겁다. 외국인 멤버들과도 신기할 정도로 의사소통이 된다. 남들이 보면 쟤네는 무슨 말을 하는 거지라고 생각할 제 3의 언어가 나온다.

일본인 멤버인 테라다 타쿠야와
코드가 잘 맞다. 같이 영화도 보고 쇼핑도 가고. 최근엔 타쿠야와 함께 집 앞 야구연습장에 자주 간다. 운동 신경이 좋은 편은 아니라고 생각했는데 이상하게 공이 잘 맞았다.

미나리라는 강아지를
키운다. 강아지가 처음 집에 왔을 때 TV를 보고 있었는데 미나리 비빔밥이 나왔다. '아, 먹고 싶다'는 생각이 들어서 강아지 이름을 그렇게 지었다. 강아지를 먹고 싶은 건 아니고 (웃음) 먹고 싶은 건 좋아하는 거니까.

자주 간다. 돌고래를 좋아한다. 기회가 된다면 뱀을 키워보고 싶다. 되게 귀엽게 생긴 것 같다. 뱀한테도 먹고 싶은 것의 이름을 붙여야지. 

낯을 좀 가리는 편
이다. 먼저 말을 걸거나 손을 내미는 편은 아닌데 막상 친해지면 잘 챙기고 싶어지더라. 앞으로 함께 걸어갈 사람들이라는 생각도 들고 내가 필요하다면 얼마든지 도와주고 싶고.

고등학교 친구들
중 베스트 프렌드가 있다. 자주 만나서 카페에서 얘기도 하고. 광고에 대해 친구들은 완전 냉정하게 평가한다. 오그라든다고 하는 애들도 있다. 남고를 나와서 여자 사람 친구는 전혀 없다. 만날 기회조차 없었다. 

누군가와 경쟁하거나
저 사람을 밟고 올라서자 같은 생각은 거의 해본 적이 없다. 정말 집중해야 할 때나 뭔가를 잘 해야 할 때 만족하지 못하면 잘 해내지 못 한 스스로에게 화가 많이 난다.

연예계에 발을 들인, 정말 잊지 못할 해다. 촬영할 때는 너무 긴장해서 미처 희열 같은 걸 느끼지 못 했는데 광고를 봤을 때는 되게 감동적이었다. 

앞으로 본격적으로 활동하게 되면
더욱 치열한 세계에 들어가게 될 걸 안다. 경쟁이나 비교에 익숙하지 않지만 어떤 상황에서도 중요한 건 자신의 능력이지 않나. 나를 더 가꾸고 다듬는 것이 제일 중요하다 

신원호│4장의 사진에 담긴 이야기

신원호는 ‘다듬는다’, ‘깎는다’는 표현을 자주 썼다. 많은 문제에 있어 그에게는 어떤 대상을 두고 상대평가하는 것이 아닌 자신에 대한 절대평가가 더 중요한 듯 보였다. “저도 남자애라 다른 사람이랑 부딪히면 욱 할 때도 있지만, 나중에 생각해보면 결국 모든 문제는 저한테 있었던 것 같아요.”

음악을 하고 싶어 이 길로 들어섰다. 아직은 4편의 광고와 1편의 뮤지컬이 경력의 전부이지만 점점 연기의 재미를 알아가고 있는 그는 연기에 대한 욕심도 크다. “광고든 뮤지컬이든 집중하면 시간이 어떻게 가는 줄 모르겠어요. 내가 몰입하는 순간, 그 사람이 된 것 같은 샤~한 느낌이 좋아요.”

화장품 광고 속 앳된 얼굴과 달리 굵직했던 내레이션, 하지만 그의 실제 목소리는 20대 초반 그 나이 또래들과 비슷하다. “어떤 것 같아요? 제 목소리인데 쑥스러워요. 얼굴은 예쁘장하게 나왔는데 목소리는 남자답기를 원하셨거든요. 최민수 선배님처럼 해보라고 하셨는데, 어렵더라구요. 흐흐흐”

연예계 데뷔를 많이 반대하셨던 부모님께 처음엔 반항하기도 했지만 할머니, 엄마, 아빠를 단계적으로 “공략”해 설득했다. 이제는 든든한 응원군이 되어 모니터도 해주시는 부모님이 첫 광고를 보고 즐거워하시는 모습을 보고, 나를 보고 웃는 사람이 있다는 것이 행복하다는 걸 알았다는 속 깊은 아들. “나를 보고 웃는 사람이 있다는 것, 누군가가 진심으로 웃는 걸 보는 게 참 좋은 것 같아요.”

August 29, 2012

(Updated) CROSS GENE reveals 2nd member Shin

After officially revealing Japanese member Takuya earlier this month, upcoming group CROSS GENE has revealed its second member Shin.

As mentioned in the previous CROSS GENE article, Shin is actually a young actor called Shin Wonho. He's starred in "Bachelor's Vegetable Store" and will be featured in the upcoming drama "Big", next to miss A's Suzy. Together with Takuya, he was also in a Japanese short movie called RUN60. The movie will be getting its full drama spin-off later this year as nine episodes are set to air. Shin was born on October 23th, 1991; making him the second oldest of the rumored line-up.

Earlier this year CROSS GENE was revealed as a project group between Japan and Korea called Project-A, but it seems they're finally set on debuting soon under Amuse Korea. More details on their debut, release and members are expected to be revealed soon.

Will you be anticipating their debut?

Posted Image



CROSS GENE's Shin got close to miss A's Suzy through slapping?

Recently, actor/singer Shin Wonho guest starred on the show "1 vs. 100," where he shared how he became closer to miss A's Suzy through a slapping scene that they filmed together for the drama "Big."

Shin Wonho stated, "Since I play the character who exchanges souls with Gong Yoo in 'Big,' I've never really had many opportunities to act in the same scene as him. As a result, I usually have scenes with either Lee Minjung or Suzy. However, when I first met Suzy, I greeted her with a bow even though she is younger, but it made her feel uncomfortable even though she is my
sunbae in terms of acting, but I told her that I bowed because I wanted to respect her as a sunbae."

"But," Shin Wonho continued, "one time we were filming a scene where Suzy had to slap me. Suzy was very uncomfortable during the filming, and she only slapped me lightly, slapping me a total of six times. Eventually I told her that it was okay to slap me harder, and finally the director was satisfied with her slap. After that incident, Suzy and I became very close."

Shin Wonho was known as an actor before he debuted as a singer earlier this year. CROSS GENE revealed their debut release "TIMELESS: BEGINS" last month.

Korea Star Daily and Newsen


August 27, 2012

Dasom, Eunji, Siwan, and Shin Won Ho transform into boxers for ‘SURE’

Some of the top rising idols have gathered for a sporty new pictorial with ‘SURE‘ magazine where they’ve transformed into boxers!

ZE:A‘s Siwan, CROSS GENE‘s Shin Won Ho (Shin), SISTAR‘s Dasom, Boyfriend‘s Minwoo, A Pink‘s Eunji, Supernova‘s Geonil, and Rainbow‘s Noeul were the specially chosen stars to round out this gathering of budding stars.

While Siwan modeled the piercing stare of a boxer in a simple t-shirt and red pants, Dasom showed a sexy charisma in a belly button top and heels. Both couldn’t hide their excitement over their blossoming acting careers, with Siwan stating, “I consider this an opportunity given to me for working hard”, and Dasom expressing, “I’ve dreamt of becoming an actress since I was seven years old, so just the thought that I can act now makes me happy.”

Shin Won Ho, who was much loved for his role in ‘Big‘, showcased his handsome features even while dressed casually in shirt and jeans, and Eunji, who is currently starring on ‘Reply 1997‘, played up her girly side with pink boxing gloves and a lace dress.

Geonil, Minwoo, and Noeul’s cuts as well as more photos of the above mentioned four will be revealed in the September issue of ‘SURE’ magazine.


August 19, 2012

Cross Gene releases footage from ‘Timeless Begins – Japan Edition’ event

Cross Gene has released footage from the event for the group’s debut Japanese album, ‘Timeless Begins – Japan Edition‘.

Cross Gene previously held a fan meeting in Japan’s Shibuya O-East concert hall to kick off their promotional activities for ‘Timeless Begins-Japan Edition‘.
Although it was their first fan event in Japan, it’s been reported that 1,500 fans gathered to meet them. The group also performed the Japanese versions of their songs “La-Di Da-Di” and “Sky High” for the first time.

Cross Gene officially debuted in Japan on August 12th.

August 07, 2012

Cross Gene holds a successful fan meeting in Japan

Rookie group Cross Gene recently received a warm welcome from fans during their fan meeting in Japan.

Cross Gene held a fan meeting in Japan’s Shibuya O-East concert hall last week to kick off their promotional activities for their Japanese debut album, ‘Timeless Begins-Japan Edition‘, and a few photos from the event have been released showing the amount of attention the boys received at the event.
Although it was their first meeting in Japan, it is said that 1,500 fans gathered to meet them. For the fans who had gathered, the group also performed the Japanese versions of their songs “La-Di Da-Di” and “Sky High” for the first time.

The members created a fun and exciting atmosphere throughout the meeting with their witty comments and announced their official Japanese debut date of August 12th.

Shin Won Ho (Shin) stated, “We were surprised and touched by the warm response that we received from our Japanese fans. We hope to meet them again on the 12th with an upgraded version of ourselves.”

Source + image: MyDaily via Nate

July 18, 2012

CROSS GENE’s Shin Won Ho reveals the occasion that allowed him to get closer with miss A’s Suzy

Actor and member of CROSS GENEShin Won Ho, revealed how he was able to get close to miss A‘s Suzy on the July 17th broadcast of KBS 2TV ‘1 vs. 100‘.

Shin Won Ho, who is currently playing the role of 18-year-old Kang Kyun Joon in the popular drama ‘Big‘, stated, “I don’t get to encounter Gong Yoo sunbae as much because he changes souls with me. But I do get to act with Suzy sunbae and Lee Min Jung sunbae.”

He added, “Lee Min Jung sunbae is very easy-going and caring. I formally greeted Suzy sunbae (even though she is younger in age) with a ‘hello’ but she said it was uncomfortable for her to accept a formal greeting [from someone who is older than her]. But I told her that I will greet her formally anyways since she is a sunbae.

Shin Won Ho also revealed that the two were able to become closer through one scene. “There was a scene in ‘Big’ where Suzy sunbae had to slap me but she kept hitting me lightly because she felt bad. After 6 times of slapping me, I finally said to her in informal speech, ‘just hit me hard once’. After that we got really close,” he said.

Source & Photo: Newsen via Nate

July 07, 2012

CROSS GENE selected as the new endorsement models for ‘NBA’

‘Multicultural’ idol group CROSS GENE has been named the new face for the sport street casual merchandise of the ‘NBA‘!

Amuse Korea announced the boys’ new endorsement deal by revealing on July 6th, “NBA has chosen CROSS GENE as the exclusive models for their 2012 F/W season line.”

NBA focuses on turning sports into fashion, culture, and style, and is a licensed brand with over 30 characters and mascots of the NBA teams. NBA merchandise is sold in over 100,000 stores across six continents all around the world, and plenty of top Korean stars have modeled for them in the past. As CROSS GENE is known for being comprised of three Koreans and two Chinese members along with one Japanese member, the company felt that they’d be the perfect fit to represent their brand.

Representatives continued, “It’s only been a month into their debut and they’re already receiving love calls from the advertising industry. We believe that their specialty of being a global group and the members’ healthy image have created a synergistic effect.”

NBA added, “CROSS GENE has both the image of a fresh, innocent young boy, as well as a sexy and masculine older man. We feel that they’ll appeal greatly to those in their teens and 20s.”

SOurce + Photos: E-Daily via Nate

July 04, 2012

CROSS GENE Accused of being "NOT K-POP"! 04Jul

Recently, Korea's leading paper, "Chuo Nippou" wrote an odd article titled, "The Golden Age of K-POP: Various Idol Groups Debuting in Succession."

In the article, one of the acts the writer touched on the most was Cross Gene, who recently held their showcase in Seoul. The band features one Japanese member, two Chinese and three Koreans. The leader is the uniquely Japanese TAKUYA, who has been featured in JUNON magazine's "Super Boy Contest" for beautiful boys in Japan. Incidentally,their management company is Amuse, a Japanese corporation. As is well-know, Amuse is a major company, home to such music legends as Kuwata Keisuke, Fukuyama Masaharu, etc.

Certainly there are Korean members, and they make up the majority. But with a Japanese leader and Japanese management, is this really K-Pop?

"Cross Gene is a collaboration project between Universal Music's Asia division and Amuse. Amuse's Korean branch trained these boys, and held their debut stage in Korea. After gaining popularity in Korea, they will go to Japan and China for promotion it seems. The manager, Hon HyonJyon has experience at some of the major labels in Korea, and his reputation on idol training is well-respected. 
However, while the Korean press has been straining to claim Cross Gene for their own in their reports, the truth is its an effort on Amuse's part to trail-blaze in Asia. "It's pseudo-K-POP," said one entertainment reporter.

In the past, mixed Japanese-Korean groups like the band Y2K (hew) have debuted in the past, but they never garnered good results. Netizens said, "There hasn't been a multinational group hit it big yet," and "Because of the rampant illegal downloading from Korea to China, it'll be hard for them to sell well," among other negative comments.

"This is a serious step for Amuse in advancing in Asia. Because of their status as one of the top entertainment companies in Japan, they will be able to do their promotions by force and bulldoze through the K-Pop environment. Amuse has already gotten their song in CMs in Macau and Hong Kong even before their debut, as well as having two members, SHIN and TAKUYA cast in a drama in Japan, RUN60. They've also done the opening theme. Honestly I don't think they'll hit it big in Japan, but Amuse wants them to sell in Korea and China and other Asian nations so they will be attacking at full force."

Are they taking advantage of the K-POP boom? Will bulldozing their way into the market work out?

Source - Cyzo
Translation - qummydino

June 25, 2012


Terada Takuya (테라다 타쿠야/寺田拓哉) - GORGEOUS GENE
Stage Name: Takuya
Birthday: March 18th, 1992 (3/18/92)
Height: 187cm
Weight: 68kg
Bloodtype: O
Occupation: actor, singer, and model
Award: Judges’ Special Award at 2008 21st Junon Superboy Contest

Shin Won Ho (신원호) - PRESH GENE
Stage Name: Shin 
Birthday: October 23th, 1991 (10/23/91)
Height: 185cm
Weight: 66kg
Bloodtype: A
Occupation: actor, model, singer
Education: Dong-Ah Broadcasting College

Kim Sang Min (김상민) - ORGANIC GENE
Stage Name: Sangmin
Birthday: July 7th, 1992 (7/7/92)
Height: 178cm
Weight: 67kg
Bloodtype: A
Occupation: musical actor (Carpe Diem), singer

Kim Yong Seok (김용석) - MYPACE GENE
Stage Name: Yongseok
Birthday: January 8th, 1993 (1/8/93)
Height: 176cm
Weight: 64kg
Bloodtype: AB
Occupation: singer

Gao Jia Ning (고가녕/高家宁) - DESTINY GENE
Stage Name: J.G
Birthday: January 12th, 1993 (1/12/93)
Height: 182cm
Weight: 69kg
Bloodtype: AB
Occupation: singer

Casper (캐스퍼) - WILD CHIC GENE
Stage Name: Casper
Birthday: March 20th, 1991 (3/20/9)
Height: 176cm
Weight: 66kg
Bloodtype: O
Occupation: model, CF actor, singer
Award: First place at 2008 China HAOELDI Singing contest, popularity prize


Cross Gene’s Shin Won Ho resembles INFINITE’s L?

Rookie actor and idol Shin Won Ho has been grabbing the attention of fans for his striking resemblance to INFINITE‘s L.

Currently starring in the SBS drama ‘Big‘, Shin Won Ho is no stranger to headlines thanks to his numerous CF deals with ‘Skin Food‘ and ‘Bean Pole’. He’s back in the headlines again this time, but for being the softer version of INFINITE’s L, which fans agreeing that L has a sharper look overall.

Interestingly enough, it’s actually the other way around, as although L is an industry senior to Shin Won Ho, he’s a year younger than the actor, who was born in 1991.

Netizens commented, “Shin Won Ho really looks like L”, “Since Shin Won Ho is the hyung, then L is the one resembling Shin Won Ho”, and “I’d believe it if they were brothers!”

Shin Won Ho is currently preparing for his debut under the Korean-Chinese-Japanese idol group Cross Gene on June 7th.

Do you see the resemblance?
Source + Photos: BNT News via Nate
Tip: Bin
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